New sculpture finished!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Karlis RekevicsThis piece, which I spent almost two months making, is almost finished. Still working on the finishing touches and professional photography, but here are some working images. I also made a movie of the whole process, will post soon. This is in St. John’s, outside of Portland, Oregon, at the Green Anchors Sculpture Park.
New Sculpture in Progress
/0 Comments/in Sculpture Project /by Karlis RekevicsThis piece is in St. John’s, outside of Portland, Oregon, as part of the Green Anchors Artist Residency Program.
Opening reception is Saturday, September 13 from noon to 6pm. Email me for info if you are planning to attend and I’ll send directions. We’re making a time-lapse movie of the installation!
Review from of Greenwood Gardens exhibition
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Karlis RekevicsStaring an artist residency in Portland, OR this week. Photos and video to come soon. In the meantime, here’s a review of the Greenwood Garden’s show that I have a piece in:
De-Installing a sculpture
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Karlis RekevicsOr, how to store 10 tons of plaster.
/0 Comments/in News /by karlisrekDay 3
/0 Comments/in News /by karlisrek